

2021年10月17日 15時36分

 On Tuesday, September 28th, a lecture meeting was held as Data-Science-Ⅱ class, which is set as our school own subject for second year students of a general course.  Today, this lecture was held for 154 students, who are studying researching assignments of the humanities arts or social science.
 An Associate Professor Naoshi YAMAMOTO, who are of Department of Regional Resource Management and Faculty of Social Co-Creation in Ehime University, gave a lecture on the theme of "Introduction of Social Science Data Science in the Field of Sports".  He talked about "Methods of Analysis", "Methods for Selecting Information", and "Attitudes for Handling Data," based on his own research.  His phrase "Data can have a huge impact on the decision-making of each person who saw them." gave a big impact on us.

 We learned the importance of collecting right data and how to analyze them properly.  It was a very interesting lecture.  Thank you, Mr. Yamamoto.  (204HR Miia ONO )