Matsuyama Minami High School's Educational Goal
1 School Educational Policy
We will foster human resources capable of contributing to new cultural creation and development, with a global perspective, as a deserving social member of Japan.
2 School Motto
「自らを律せよ」 Discipline Yourself
3 Guidance Goal
(1)真理 Truth
We will nurture a student's intelligence and imagination.
(2)純真 Purity
We will cultivate an enriched humanity and kindly heart.
(3)自律 Autonomy
We will foster a sound mind and a strong body, with a spirit of self-sufficiency.
4 Current Year Challenge
We will cultivate human resources capable of carving out a new future and maintaining a higher spirit.
To nurture global viewpoints and design students' career;
(1) we will support students' self-realization in a proactive manner.
(2) we will cultivate individuality and capacity.
(3) Utilizing the advantages of SSH, we will nurture the students with a high education and a broad vision.
(4) we will foster students to have a rich human nature with good physical and mental health.
5 School Symbol
Behind a Kanji ''高'', which means a high school, the letter ''S'' is designed.
''S'' stands for SOUTH, and the three horizontal lines show our guidance goal; Truth,
Purity, and Autonomy. This design was established in May, 1950.