
Advanced Science Study(day 2)

2023年8月2日 17時00分

 On the second day, we went to Tokyo to visit the Institute of statistical Mathematics and true data, Inc. At the Institute of statistical Mathematics, Dr. Miyasato first gave an overview of the institute and we toured the facilities.  Then, Dr. Mchihashi introduced his study on “Modeling Evaluation of Tanka” We learned the importance of considering “invisible data” and modeling it mathematically.

     At true data Inc. Dr. Toyama gave a “practical workshop on Data Analysis Vitalizing URECON” Each group researched and discussed products of interest to us.  Then summarized and presented our findings.

     Through these seminars, the participants experienced more practical things about data analysis and STEM education.  We will continue to hone our skills to apply the knowledge we learned this time to our future research projects, career exploration, and other activities.

  I learned a lot about how to handle data. I would like to refer back to this as I handle data in my own studies.   ( 209 Kameoka Mayu )

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