8.23 EHIME SDGs koshien
2022年10月26日 17時28分On Tuesday, August 23rd,
Seven high school students in the second year of high school took park in "Ehime SDGs Contest". Twelve teams, one from each of the 12 high schools in the prefecture, have each decided on a theme related to the SDGs and have been active for about five months. Reports given by each team were very unique and interesting, and the program was very valuable. Our school’s theme was “Gender”. In response to the adoption of slacks in girl’s uniform, we worked to raise awareness of gender issues. You can see each team’s activities of energetic high school students.■
Student’s Comment
I could understand gender and I joined this contest actively. It was very hard but it was also valuable. I would like to continue this kind of activity. (208HR OGAWA futa)