Science Research Seminar
2022年9月11日 17時01分 High school students in science clubs from around the prefecture gathered to attend a research workshop. It was held as a hybrid of group participation at our school and online participation, all while taking infection control measures.
First, the lecture titled “Discovering Issues and Key Points” was conducted by Kouji MURAKAMI, vice-principal of Mishima High School. It supported various experiments, and at the same time made us think deeply about them in many different aspects.
After that, the representative schools participating in the All-Japan Culture Festival were announced, and a research team from our school representing chemistry gave a presentation on the theme of “Let’s save the ocean with shaved green onion ~ Removal of marine pollutants.”
From the afternoon, Yousuke TAMAI, teacher at Imabari Nishi High School, gave a lecture on “Measurement Instrumentation DrDAQ.”
It was a very productive workshop. ⬛
Student’s Comment
We learned how to interpret the software’s graphs, and it was fun to do the calculations ourselves. – Yuuha KITAMURA, 309