Robot Idea Koshien 2021
2022年3月10日 17時21分2021/12/23
On Desember 22nd, Matsuyama Minami HighSchool students attended " Robot Idea Koshien 2021 " in Ehime held at Taihou Sangyou. We saw Robots We don’t usually see, and we proposed new ideas for how to use Industrial Robots.
At first, we attended a lecture from Mr. Jinno about " Significance of the Robot Koshien ", from Mr.Teraoku about " System Integrator's efforts ", and from Mr. Kobayashi about " Robots creation ". They told us about the future trends of the Robotics industry and their advice for the Robot Idea Koshien.
After that, we visited many robots and experienced the near future.
Finally, we wrote a report about our own original idea. As a result of a review process, Yamato Kouchi, from Matsuyama Minami HighSchool won first prize and will participate in the Shikoku Tournament as a represent of Ehime prefecture.
Six students participated in the Shikoku Tournament from four prefectures. I proposed a " Sign Language Translator " service robot that can enable hearing-impaired people to Communicate with other people freely. And Yamato Kouchi won first prize here too.
Unfortunately, the National convention was canceled, but thanks to this experience, we were able to consider our own futures and the society of the future. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this project!
Yamato Kouchi